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Showing posts from March, 2023

Do you see what I see?

Description:  For this hidden safari art lesson we learned about the artist Henri Rousseau. He was famous for detailed paintings of jungles.  We started the project by creating special glasses to see our hidden art. The glasses use a red film to filter out specific colors.   We then chose an animal to draw using the "upside down" technique, another visual trick! This technique helps students practice recognizing shapes and lines in a subject. I chose to draw an elephant, my grandmother's favorite animal. The next step is to add patterns over the animal drawing so the animal is "hidden". My pattern included large leaves with flowers to keep with the jungle theme.  The elephant was drawn with a blue pencil that can be seen when looking through the special glasses, but is still hidden in the warm tones that used to make the patterns.  We also included three written clues about our hidden animal on the page.  As you can tell from the photos, the blue sketched elepha

Van Gogh Inspired Landscape Collage

  Description:  This lesson included an artist integration. We learned about Vincent Van Gogh, his early works, influences, style, self-portraits, and his final years including selling only one painting during his life. We also discussed his Starry Night painting.  We then created our own version of the famous Starry Night painting. To start, we glued multiple pieces of tissue paper to a large sheet of construction paper (18" x 24"). After we had our construction paper covered with tissue paper we added a layer of Modge Podge. We then added oil pastel and sharpie designs to the background.  We were then able to choose a landscape to add to our background. The landscape was drawn on black construction paper and cut out. This was glued to the bottom of the paper. We then added more details using oil pastels.  My inspiration for this project was the view from my kitchen window. This project was done in the middle of winter, and my home is in the country surrounded by trees. This