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Showing posts from January, 2023

Hello! Footprint Introduction

Description : For this introduction activity students traced an outline of their foot and included objects and cutouts to introduce themselves. My footprint includes a photo of my family on a rollercoaster and they are making silly faces. I think this cutout represents my family well and shows us genuinely having fun.  The foot and name text are two of my favorite colors, blue and green. There is a whistle and cutout of a volleyball and basketball because I coach youth sports. I've included a book because I love to read, and if you look closely this book is filled with some of my favorite motivational quotes.  I also use to work for the Aberdeen American News for fifteen years, so I included some newsprint cutouts. There are also other hints about some of my favorite activities included! Extension activities:  An extension option for this project for middle school students in a Language Arts class would be a reading walk. Students could write the name of their favorite book on the